Assistant (BS-16) Past SOLVED Paper 2021- Paper# 04

Assistant BS-16 Past SOLVED Papers 2021 to 2025

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Download Assistant (BS-16) Past SOLVED Paper of 2021 conducted by the Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) in 2021. It was 4th paper of Assistant held in year 2021.

QuestionOption-1Option-2Option-3Option-4Correct Answer
Which word is wrongly spelt in the following?tournamentRefreshmentgovermentOrnamentgoverment
Which word is wrongly spelt in the following?SufficientexcesivePlentifulCommenceexcesive
Which word is wrongly spelt in the following?couragiousGracefulBoastfulStubborncouragious
Which word is wrongly spelt in the following?HonestLoyalPopularparfectparfect
The old man is blind ___one eye.Frominofwithin
My brother is weak _mathematics.OfInWithForIn
I am not concerned __his affairs.toatwithonwith
He has the reputation ___being a good teacher.foraboutofoffor
Only six hundred people live _this city.inwithtobyin
Alcohol is injurious ____health.ForToWithOfTo
The opposite of “perish” is:SurviveDeadAliveweakSurvive
The opposite of “deteriorate” is:DeclineImproveDisgraceDevastationImprove
The opposite of “transparent” is:brittlecoloredopaqueClearopaque
The opposite of “amateur” is:MatureProfessionalUnskilledTrainedProfessional
“Benevolent” means:BeneficialCarelessGenerousDiligentGenerous
“Anonymous” means.GraciousNamelessforeignerfriendlyNameless
What is the ___to London by air?WayRouteCourseChannelRoute
He agreed _ my proposal.ToWithForonTo
“Bravely” is a:nounVerbAdverbadjectiveAdverb
“Wealthy is a:verbNounAdverbAdjectiveAdjective
The All India Muslim League was establish in19001995190619101906
The Boundary Commission appointed/slected at the time of independence was headed by:Stafford CriposLord WawellLord MountbattenLord Red CliffeLord Red Cliffe
The Governor General of Pakistan after the death of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah?Liaqat Ali KhanKhawaja NazimuddinGhulam MohammadMohammad Ali DograKhawaja Nazimuddin
Pakistan officially(formally) became the Islamic Republic of Pakistan according to the Constitution of:19561962197319581956
Mohammadan Anglo Oriental College was originated(started) by:Sir Syed Ahmed KhanMuhammad Ali JauharAllama IqbalCh. Rehmat AliSir Syed Ahmed Khan
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah started(initiated) his Law practice in:KarachiLondonBombayDehliBombay
Where did Allama Iqbal made his first public proposal for a discrete(separate) state(country) for Muslims?LahoreAllahabadDelhiShimlaAllahabad
The first president’ of Muslim League name was.Nawab Viqar-ul-MulkSir Syed Ahmed KhanAllama IqbalMaulana Fazal-ul-HaqNawab Viqar-ul-Mulk
The Objectives Resolution was passed in:19471948194919501949
Pakistan joined the United Nations in:19471948194919501947
Diamer Bhasha Dam is being formed in:BalochistanKashmirGilgitPeshawarPeshawar
The International Islamic University is in:LahoreKarachiIslamabadPeshawarIslamabad
Pakistan is located in:East AsiaSouth East AsiaSouth AsiaNorth East AsiaSouth Asia
Standard time of Pakistan country is hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.3 hours4 hours5 hours6 hours5 hours
To the south of Pakistan lies:ChinaIranAfghanistanThe Arabian SeaThe Arabian Sea
The famous Khyber Pass connect Peshawar with:QuettaKandaharKabulChamanKabul
The famous pass which connects(links) Paksitan with China is:Khunjerab PassKhojak PassKhyber PassBotan PassKhunjerab Pass
Which of the following cities of Punjab province is known(famous) for handicrafts, glazed pottery and camel animal skin work?BahawalpurMultanGujranwalaSialkotMultan
is the Name of a Rabi Crop?RiceWheatCottonMaizeWheat
The Worlds 2nd highest peak K-2 is situated at :Karakoram RangeHimalayan RangeKohistan RangeHindukush RangeKarakoram Range
Shah Abdul Latif wrote(authored) his poetry in:PunjabiPushtoSindhiBalochiSindhi
Gwadar is located in:SindhBaluchistanKPKPunjabBaluchistan
Pakistan has a coastline of:500 mi650 mi700 mi800 mi650 mi
The Islamic Summit Conference(session) was held in Lahore in:19721973197419751974
Who was the Prime Minister of India at the time of Shimla Accord in 1972?Lal Bahadur ShastriIndira GhandhiJawahar Lal NehruMurajee DesaiIndira Ghandhi
Where there is deficiency of rainfall are called the area:Humid areasArid areasSemi-AridDeltaArid areas
The main source of water in Pakistan is:RainSnowRiversLakesRivers
The Terbela Dam is situated on the:River IndusRiver JhelumRiver ChenabRiver SutlejRiver Indus
Which is not a Cash Crop?CottonSugarcaneTobaccoWheatWheat
The Karez System is practiced only in which city:Khyber PakhtunkhwaSindhBaluchistanPunjabBaluchistan
Which province is the smallest in population?SindhBaluchistanPunjabKhyber PakhtunkhwaBaluchistan
Nuclear Power Plants are in Pakistan?16356
State Bank of Pakistan was set up in:19471948194919501948
Total number of seats of Senate in Pakistan is:100120130150100
The dominant source(way) of employment in Pakistan is:AgricultureTradeService SectorManufacturingAgriculture
How many gold medals Pakistan won in the Common Wealth Games – 2010 held in India ?12342
Santiago is the capital of:BrazilChileCubaItalyChile
10 Downing Street(way) is the residence of………………..:Queen of EnglandBritish Prime MinisterFrench PresidentAmerican PresidentBritish Prime Minister
The Headquarters(headoffices) of the Common Wealth is_____?New YorkParisRomeLondonLondon
Hu Jintao is the president of which city:JapanHong KongChinaSri LankaChina
Hasni Mubarak is the president of:LibyaIraqYemenEgyptEgypt
IMF stands forInvestment Management FundInternational Management FundInternational Monetary FundNone of the aboveInternational Monetary Fund
Khartoum is the capital of:SudanNigeriaUgandaKenyaSudan
The Indus Water Treaty was sign ed in which year:19581960196219631960
Ricky Ponting is the captain of…… Cricket TeamEnglish Cricket TeamWest Indies Cricket TeamNew Zealand’s Cricket TeamAustralian Cricket Team
Rafael Nadal is a player of:FootballTennisTable Tennis D HockeyHockyTennis
Name the currency of Bangladesh is.RupeeDinarTakaPesoTaka
Noori Al-malki is the Prime Minister of——-country:SyriaIraqEgyptYemenIraq
‘Ashes Cricket Series is played between(among):England & AustraliaAustralia & New ZealandEngland & New ZealandIndia & Sri LankaEngland & Australia
A rectangle length of 10cm and a perimeter of 30cm. Find the width of the rectangle.5 cm10 cm15 cm20 cm5 cm
0.26÷100 =?0.00260.026260.000260.0026
5448 rounded off to the nearest(nearly) 1000 is:60005400500045005000
A rectangle has a length of 16cm and a breadth(width) of 3cm. What is its area?48 m45 cm19 cm36 cm48 cm
An English class has 12 boys and 18 girls. Boys are what fraction of the class?2/53/52/3¾2/5
What is the value of the product 5/5× 5/10× 5/15× 5/20 ×5/25=?1/ 1201/11/305/301/ 120
if 3/11 of a number is 22, what is 6/11 of that number?612334444
What is the average of 1/2,5/6,3/4,5/127/52/55/822
In a 10th class of 550 students 42% want to go to college. How many students wish to attend college?233/177/28231231
3.29 ×1000 equals:0.3293241/232.90.329
38 is 20% of what number19038058760190
Find the cube root of 64;231/1644
148 is divisible by:21371/174337
Which of the following number is divisible by both 4 & 9?2178131152568,5195256
A motorist travel from 9:55 a:m to 10:15 a:m at the rate of 40 kilometers per hour how many kilometers?16.6151/203016.6
بس کہ دشوار ہے ہر کام کا آسان ہونا آدمی کو بهی ميسر نہيں انسان ہونا (شعر کس شاعر کا ہے؟مير تقی ميرمرزا غالببہادر شاه ظفرعلامہ اقبالمرزا غالب
پاکستان کے کس شاعر کو روس کی طرف سے “لينن ايوارڈ” سے نوازا گيا؟حفيظ جالندهریحبيب جالبعلامہ اقبالفيض احمد فيضفيض احمد فيض
کون سے شاعر نے پنجاب يونيورسٹی ميں مزدور کی حيثيت سے کام کيا اور بعد ميں اس کےممتحن مقرر ہوئےاحسان دانشحفيظ جالندهریمجيد امجدحبيب جاليباحسان دانش
مشہور افسانہ “ٹوبہ ٹيک سنگه “کے مصنف کون ہے؟پريم چنداشفاق احمدسعادت حسن منٹوراجندر سنگه بيدیسعادت حسن منٹو
درج ذيل شعر کس کا ہے؟ ہے نقشِ فريادی ہے کس کی شوخی تحرير کا کاغذی ہے پيراہن ہر پيکر تصوير کاغالبعلامہ اقبالفيض احمد فيضاحمد نديم قاسمی ميںغالب
چچا چهکن کا کردار کس مصنف کی تخليق ہے؟ابن انشاءاحمد اشفاق احمدامتياز علی تاجکرنل محمد خانامتياز علی تاج
مسابقت کا مطلب ہے مقابلہکمی بيشیبرابریسختیمقابلہ
مندرجہ ذيل ميں سے کون سے شاعر مرثيہ نگاری کے ليے مشہور ہيں؟مير تقی ميرنظير اکبر آبادیمير انيسداغ دہلویمير انيس
مشہور نظم “طلوع اسلام “کے شاعر کون ہيں ؟الطاف حسين حالیحفيظ جالندهریمولانا ظفر علی خانعلامہ اقبالعلامہ اقبال
مندرجہ ذيل الفاظ قواعد کی رو سے کيا ہيں ؟ پنکهڑی ، پہاڑی، نوکریاسم مکبراسم ظرفاسم تصفيراسم مفعولاسم تصفير
ڈوبتے کو تنکے کا سہارا “قواعد کی رو سے ہے ؟ضرب المثلمحاورهکہاوتقولضرب المثل
اسم علم کی رو سے شمس العلماء کيا ہے؟عرفلقبکنيتخطابخطاب
پطرس بخاری کی وجہ شہرت ہے ؟افسانہ نگاریمزاح نگاریشاعریناول نگاریمزاح نگاری
رسا لہ “اردوئے معلیٰ” کے بانی کون ہے ؟مولانا حسرت موہانیمولانا ظفر علی خانسر سيد احمد خانمولانا محمد علی جوہرمولانا حسرت موہانی
مولانا جلال الدين رومی کا مزارقو نيہ ميں ہے يہ کس ملک کا شہر ہے؟ايرانعراقترکیافغانستانترکی

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