221. Which is the highest peak of Koh-e-Sulaiman range ?
A. Tirichmir
B. K-2
C. Takhat-e-Sulaiman
D. Sakar
222. What is the average height of Karakoram range ?
A. 7000 meters
B. 7500 meters
C. 7100 meters
D. 7300 meters
223. Which range separate Baluchistan Plateau from Afghanistan?
A. Chaghi
B. Makran
C. Turbat
D. Kirthar range
224. Which range lies along the border of Sindh and Baluchistan Province?
A. Chaghi
B. Makran range
C. Kirthar range
D. Koh-e-Sufaid
225. What is the Meaning of Nanga Parbat ?
A. Killer Mountain
B. Naked Mountain
C. Dead Place
D. Seven Mountains
226. How many peaks in the Pakistan are Higher than 8000 meters?
A. 4
B. 3
C. 5
D. 8
227. What is the Height of Broad Peak?
A. 8126 meters
B. 8092 meters
C. 8075 meters
D. 8047 meters
228. Who was the first person the climb the Nanga parbat?
A. Hermann Buhl
B. Martin Conway
C. R.d Banerjee
D. Ashraf Aman
229. In which year the Broad Peak was first climbed?
A. 1953
B. 1955
C. 1954
D. 1957
230. How many Peaks in Pakistan are higher than 7000 meters
A. 108
B. 117
C. 125
D. 191