DOWNLOAD Assistant (BS-16) Past Paper held on 01.12.2024 (Evening Paper) Complete SOLVED – conducted by PPSC for S&GAD and Punjab Police

PPSC Assistant Evening Paper held on 01.12.2024 for S&GAD and Police Department

Download Assistant (BS-16) Past Paper held on 01.12.2024 (Evening Paper) Complete SOLVED – conducted by PPSC for S&GAD and Punjab Police in pdf.

These questions have been taken from original paper of PPSC held on 01.12.2024 for recruitment of Assistant (BS-16) Jobs in Services & General Administration Department (S&GAD) and Punjab Police Department Jobs. These mcqs have been solved according to best of my knowledge.

  1. Lahore-Islamabad Motorway was inaugurated in which year? 1997
  2. Main purpose of NPT was? Non Proliferation Treaty (for prevention and prohibition on use of nuclear weapons in future)
  3. Pakistan’s first launched Rocket name? RAHBAR-I
  4. CENTO is abbreviation of? Central Treaty Organization
  5. Second Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistan Army (General Sir Douglas David Gracey)
  6. Second Supporter of Quid-e-Azam Two Nation Theory? Chaudhary Zafar Ullah Khan
  7. Largest Glacier in Pakistan? Siachen Glacier
  8. 9/11 incident was took place in city? USA
  9. Leaning Tower is located in? Pisa, Italy
  10. Diego Carcia is on which Ocean? Indian Ocean
  11. Marie Curie Invented? Radioactivity
  12. Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed Hajj in which hijri? 10th Hijri
  13. Headquarters of Amnesty International is in? London
  14. To owe is owe means? Qarz buri bala hy, State of deep suffering in troubles like debt
  15. Why Sky looks blue? Scattering of Sun Light
  16. Umru Bin Hazrmi’s death was the cause of which Ghazwa? Badar
  17. 18th Amendment was made in? 2010
  18. Six Points formula was given by? Sheikh Mujib Ur Rehman
  19. Shortcut key for Superscript is? Ctrl+ Shift+ +
  20. Physical Parts of Computer are called? Hardware
  21. Baayian Paaon Poojna ka matlab hy? Ustaad Maan’na, Kisi k hunar ka aitraaf krna
  22. Had e Qazaf and Hade Zana Kis surah men hy? Surah Noor
  23. Jannat ul Mouallah kahan pe hy? Makkah
  24. Which Sahabi is buried in Turkey? Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari (R.A)
  25. First Black President of South Africa? Nelson Mandela
  26. Xrays were discovered by? Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
  27. Linux was invented by? Linus Torvalds
  28. Which Pakistani got first Nobel Prize in Science? Doctor Abdul Salam
  29. Which Female got two Nobel prizes but in different fields of Science? Marrie Curie
  30. Spam email is also called? Junk
  31. Verses of which Surah revealed first? Surah Alaq
  32. Who invented Type Writer? Cristopher Latham Sholes
  33. How many reserve players are there in Baseball game? 7 players
  34. Hazrat Bilal was the slave of which person? Ummaya Bin Khalaf
  35. Malala Yousafzai was awarded Nbel prize at the age of? 17 years
  36. Stregnth of Muslims at Ghazwa Uhad? 700
  37. Longest Race in Olympics? Marathon
  38. Pakistan was on which side against War and Terror? NATO
  39. Types of Ism e Zarf? 02
  40. Synonym of Vogue? Fashion
  41. Sui Gas was discovered in which year? 1952
  42. How many major ports in Pakistan? 7
  43. Highest Peak of salt range is? Sakesar
  44. Synonym of Befit? Suitable/ Correct Selection
  45. Antonym of Dissolution? Union/ combine
  46. Which Mosque is located inside Lahore Fort? Moti Mosque
  47. Insert new slide button is located in PowerPoint at which menu? Home
  48. Purpose of slide show in Powerpoint is? Effective and Interactive View of Data
  49. AAb aa jana ka matlab? Chamak Aa jana, Ronaq aa jana
  50. Celsius is the unit to measure? Temperature
  51. Pentagon is the military Headquarters of? USA
  52. Who tool oath of Governor General from Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah? Justice Mian Abdur Rasheed
  53. Main Industrial Products of Switzerland? Engineering, Pharmaceuticals, Watch Making
  54. When first time five rings flag of Olympics was used? 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp, Belgium
  55. Doctor uses Sphygmomanometer to measure blood pressure from which arteries? Brachial Artery
  56. Nawab Bahadar Jang Yar belongs to which princely state? Hyderabad
  57. Which Barrage is not on Indus River? Rasul Barrage
  58. First Nishan-e-Haider was awarded to? Captain Muhammad Sarwar
  59. Great Salt Lake is situated in? USA
  60. Fear of heights is called? Acrophobia
  61. Some of two digits is 25 and their difference is 13, what is their product? 114
  62. Hey! What is this in grammar? Interjection
  63. Bano Qareeza ka saalis kon tha? Hazrat Saad Bin Muaz (R.A)
  64. Ratio of 8 Inches to 7 feet is? 2:21
  65. One should do _____ duty? One’s
  66. Planetary motion was discovered by? Johannes Kepler
  67. Father of Russian Revolution is? Viladmir Lenin
  68. Quaid e Azam Withdraw which condition if other conditions admitted? Separate Electorate
  69. Keep the Wolf from the _____? Door
  70. Study of Oceans and Sea Life is called? Marine Biology
  71. Headquarters of Red Cross is in? Geneva Switzerland
  72. Bolt from Blue means? Unexpected
  73. My officer gave me a cheque ______ fifty thousand Rupees. (For)
  74.  Malhooz e khaati rakhna? (Keep in mind, Zehn men rakhna)
  75. Sada Aish e Doran dikhata Nahi?  Meer Hassan
  76. Muaqadam, Altaf Hussain Haali ki kis Book se lia gya? Musaddas Haali
  77. Earth attracts an object with a force equal to its? Weight
  78. Noam Chomsky was a? Linguist
  79. Change the Narration: He said, if he works hard he will pass exam. He said that if he worked hard he would pass exam.
  80. Correction of capital letters? I usually go to emporium mall on wednesdays. I usually go to Emporium Mall on Wednesdays.
  81. Why Muslims celebrated Direct Action day? To Show Muslims Power
  82. 0.003*0.02 = 0.00006
  83. Margaret Thatcher was first female Primie Minster of which country? U.K
  84. Dawn News was started by? Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
  85. The Great Pyramids of Giza are located in? Egypt
  86. Quli Qutab Shah ne apni Shaayri men kintay Takhalus istemal kiye hen? 17
  87. Largest Galcier in Himalya-Karakoram Range? Siachen
  88. Urdu Hindu controversy was started in? 1867
  89. The famous Golden Gate Bridge is in? San Francisco
  90. 20, 15, 10 …….. find the 15th term? -50
  91. Second author with Insha Khan in Daryae Latafat? Mirza Ahsan Qateel
  92. A ball droped from 27 cm, it bounds and loses height of 2/3 cm. 135 cm
  93. Hard Coal used in industry is called? Anthracite
  94. Dana Pani grammaer ko ro se hy? Murakab Mozu
  95. Dewan e Ghalib Ghaalib ki zindagi men kinti baar shaya hui? 5 times

You can make corrections or send remaining 5 questions in comments section.

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