Tehsildar (BS-16) Model Papers/ Mock Tests No. 03 according to PPSC New Syllabus 2021.

Tehsildar Model paper Mock test

There is a Mock Test/ Model Paper No.03 for Tehsildar (BS-16) Model Papers/ Mock Tests No. 03 according to PPSC New Syllabus 2021.

1. One of the steaks——–enough for meal. 

a. Are                                    b. Am                                                                    c. Is                                        d. NOT

2. Our supply of scientific books—— inadequate.

a. Are                                    b. was                                                                   c. Have been                      d. NOT

3. Several pieces of the puzzle——- missing.

a. Were                                b. Was                                                                  c. Is                                        d. NOT

4. One of your sleeves——-shorter than the other.

a. Look                                  b. Looks                                                               c. Looking                            d. NOT

5. The Martins always——–on our staying for dinner.

a. Insists                               b. Insist                                                                c. Insisting                           d. NOT

6. Movies——–her main topic of conversation.

a. Was                                   b. Were                                                                c. Is                                        d. NOT

7. Many a learned man———–there to be key note speakers.

a. Is                                        b. Am                                                                    c. Are                                    d. NOT

8. We noticed the small dog——–the busy highway.

a. Cross                                b. Crossing                                                          c. Crosses                            d. NOT

9. The tired travelers——–in the bed all morning.

a. Lie                                      b. Lied                                                                   c. Lay                                     d. NOT

10. As the wind blew, the window opened——–.

a. Itself                                 b. Quick                                                                c. Fastly                                d. NOT

11. Miss Ross gets acquainted with her students by talking to them and——–what their interests are.

a. Discover                                          b. Discovering                                    c. Discovered                     d. NOT

12. The ability of gymnasts ———–everyone.

a. Astonish                                          b. Astonishes                                     c. Astonishing                    d. NOT

13. The operation of the machine——–much skill. 

a. Require                                           b. Requires                                         c. Requiring                        d. NOT

14. Annoyed by the smoke, the woman ——her seat.  

a. Change                                            b. Changed                                         c. Changing                         d. NOT

15. The construction of houses, churches, and schools———at a high rate.   

a. Continue                                         b. Continues                                      c. Continuing                      d. NOT

16. I——–what you——–.

a. Know-Mean                                  b. An knowing-are meaning         c. Knew-meant                 d. AOT

17. I ——–that better times are approaching our land.   

a. Believes                                          b. Believing                                         c. am believing                  d. NOT

18. He——- the flowers blooming in the central park.   

a. Smell                                                b. Believe                                            c. Believes                           d. NOT

19. It is I who——-singing a song. 

a. Are                                                    b. Am                                                    c. Is                                        d. NOT

20. It is your help that I ——-, not your sympathy.   

a. Needed                                           b. Need                                                c. Needs                              d. NOT

21. It is only in winter that it really——–cold.   

a. Getting                                            b. Get                                                   c. Gets                                  d. NOT

22. ———is a favorite pastime for John.  

a. Reading                                           b. Read                                                 c. Reads                               d. NOT

23. He avoided———-the same mistake again.   

a. To make                                          b. Make                                               c. Making                             d. NOT

24. There are many risks———in taking that route.    

a. Involving                                         b. Involved                                         c. Involves                           d. NOT

25. I am looking forward to———-on holidays.  

a. Go                                                     b. Going                                               c. To go                                 d. NOT

26. My father objects to my———out at night. 

a. Party                                                 b. Partying                                          c. Parting                             d. NOT

27. ——-aloud, he took a glance of the audience.

a. Look                                                  b. Looks                                               c. Looking                            d. NOT

28. The man fumbled in his pockets and——–out a letter. 

a. Pulling                                              b. Pull                                                    c. Pulls                                  d. NOT

29. He ——–many acts of mischief last week.

a. Makes                                              b. Making                                            c. Made                                d. NOT

30. She has got the ticket reserved, she——–to Lahore. 

a. Is going                                            b. Goes                                                c. Went                                d. NOT

31. If I made a promise, I——it.    

a. Keep                                                 b. Keeps                                              c. Kept                                  d. NOT

32. I wish I—–rich.  

a. Are                                                    b. Am                                                    c. Were                                d. NOT

33. The examination ——at 9 a.m. tomorrow morning.

a. Will begin                                       b. Begins                                              c. Is beginning                   d. AOT

34. Stir the paint——-before using it. 

a. Good                                                b. Better                                              c. Well                                   d. NOT

35. These scissors do not cut as ——-as they once did.  

a. Well                                                  b. Good                                                c. Better                               d. NOT

36. She painted the house——-.

a. Whitish                                            b. White                                               c. Whitening                       d. NOT

37. The popcorn smelled so——-that we could not resist it.  

a. Good                                                b. Better                                              c. Well                                   d. NOT

38. Cheap perfumes do not smell——–.

a. Good                                                b. Well                                                  c. Better                               d. NOT

39. Your voice sounds———on the tape.

a. Good                                                b. Better                                              c. Best                                   d. NOT

40. John’s excuse seemed very ——-to his employer.

a. Reasonably                                    b. Reasonable                                   c. Reasoning                       d. NOT

41. Burning leaves smell very——– in the autumn. 

a. Pleasant                                          b. Pleasantly                                      c. Pleasantness                 d. NOT

42. The jury was somewhat surprised that the judge’s sentence was not———.

a. Severe                                             b. More severe                                 c. Most severe                  d. AOT

43. Mrs. Rosen treats the Kindergarteners ———–.

a. Lovely                                              b. In a lovely manner                      c. Lovelier                            d. NOT

44. Many people felt——– about the results of the election. 

a. Bad                                                    b. Worse                                              c. Worst                               d. NOT

45. A cold shower feels——on a hot day. 

a. Good                                                b. Better                                              c. Best                                   d. NOT

46. ——–does he realize after his mistake.  

a. Few                                                   b. Little                                                 c. Both a & b                      d. NOT

47. He expressed his thanks———.  

a. Natural                                            b. Naturally                                         c. Nature                             d. NOT

48. Had I taken more time, I ——- have done better. 

a. Can                                                    b. May                                                  c. Could                                d. AOT

49. The fan will run more, if you——–it.

a. Oil                                                      b. Oiled                                                c. Have oiled                      d. NOT

50. If I——–in your place, I should do the same thing.   

a. Was                                                   b. Am                                                    c. Were                                d. Have been

51. If you ——–think clear, you should be able to write well. 

a. Can                                                    b. May                                                  c. Might                                d. NOT

52. We——-have started earlier if we had known the distance. 

a. Should                                             b. Have                                                 c. Had                                    d. NOT

53. ———you feed a stray cat, you will never get rid of it.

a. If                                                        b. Once                                                c. When                               d. AOT

54. If I——-the train, I would have reached the destination. 

a. Caught                                             b. Have caught                                  c. Had caught                     d. NOT

55. The old building had to be——–before it collapsed. 

a. Damage                                           b. Demolished                                   c. Debris                               d. NOT

56. The PM arrived back in London last night, and was immediately ——by the reporters. 

a. Besiege                                           b. Besieged                                        c. To besiege                      d. NOT

57. Much of London———-by fire in the seventeenth century. 

a. Destroys                                         b. Destroyed                                      c. Was destroyed             d. NOT

58. The man who———-by the snake ———-a serum.  

a. Was bitten, will be given          b. Was bitten- will be given          c. Was bitten-was given d. NOT

59. A great deal of research ———-into the possible causes of cancer. 

a. Are doing                                        b. Is doing                                           c. Is being done                 d. NOT

60. I am not accustomed to ———–this way. 

a. Treat                                                 b. Being treated                                c. Treating                           d. NOT

61. Was he upset at not———-a job by the defense ministry? 

a. Being offered                                b. Be offered                                     c. Offering                           d. NOT

62. “I can speak six languages fluently,” he said.  

a. He lamented that he could speak six languages fluently.

b. He sighed that he could speak six languages fluently.

c. He boasted that he could speak six languages fluently.

d. NOT

63. “Let us go to the cinema this evening,” he said.  

a. He suggested that they should go to the cinema that evening.

b. He believes that they should go to the cinema that evening.

c. He boasted that they should go to the cinema that evening.

d. NOT

64. “Stop that noise in the classroom!” said the teacher.

a. The teacher requested to stop that noise in the classroom.

b. The teacher shouted to stop that noise in the classroom.

c. The teacher implored to stop that noise in the classroom.

d. NOT

65. “That car you are driving is my property,” the small man said. 

a. The small man opined that that car I was driving was his property.

b. The small man claimed that that car I was driving was his property.

c. The small man exclaimed that that car I was driving was his property.

d. NOT

66. “Yes, I broke the window with my catapult,” the boy said.

a. The boy told that he had broken the window with his catapult.

b. The boy said that he had broken the window with his catapult.

c. The boy admitted that he had broken the window with his catapult.

d. NOT

67. “You can’t take me to prison. I know my rights,” the man said.

a. The man protested that I could not take him to prison and further affirmed that he knew his rights.

b. The man conceded that I could not take him to prison and further affirmed that he knew his rights.

c. The man praised that I could not take him to prison and further affirmed that he knew his rights.

d. NOT

68. “I shall always love you,” said his fiancée.

a. He shouted that he shall always love her.

b. He whispered that he shall always love her.

c. He exclaimed that he shall always love her.

d. NOT

69. “We don’t have enough money to carry out the plan,” said the treasurer.

a. The treasurer told that they did not have enough money to carry out the plan.

b. The treasurer said that they did not have enough money to carry out the plan.

c. The treasurer objected that they did not have enough money to carry out the plan.

d. NOT

70. “The teacher does not know what he is talking about,” said the student.

a. The student exclaimed that the teacher did not know what he was talking about.

b. The student muttered that the teacher did not know what he was talking about.

c. The student protested that the teacher did not know what he was talking about.

d. NOT

71. “Well, it is a surprise to meet you here today!” she said.

a. She exclaimed that it is a surprise to meet him there that day.

b. She said that it is a surprise to meet him there that day.

c. She exclaimed that it was a surprise to meet him there that day.

d. NOT

72. “Well, yes, if the weather is bad, we can’t go,” he said.

a. He agreed that they cannot go if the weather was bad.

b. He agreed that they could not gone if the weather was bad.

c. He agreed that they could not go if the weather was bad.

d. NOT

73. “If you can’t come today, you simply must come tomorrow,” said she.  

a. She insisted that I simply must go the following day if I could not go that day.

b. She insists that I simply must have gone the following day if I could not go that day.

c. She insisted that I simply must have gone the following day if I could not go that day.

d. NOT

74. “Bring me the book you always praised of,” said he to his friend. 

a. He told to his friend to bring him the book he had always praised of.

b. He ordered his friend to bring him the book he had always praised of.

c. He asked his friend to bring him the book he always praises of.

d. NOT

75. The captain said to us, “Burn the midnight oil to lift the trophy this time.”

a. The captain ordered us to burn the midnight oil to lift the trophy that time.

b. The captain commanded us to burn the midnight oil to lift the trophy that time.

c. The captain advised us to burn the midnight oil to lift the trophy that time.

d. NOT

76. The birds——-the tree look tired.

a. In                                                       b. On                                                     c. By                                       d. NOT

77. The cheque——the National Bank was bounced.

a. Of                                                      b. On                                                     c. From                                 d. NOT

78. The officer was ——-the table when I entered the office.

a. On                                                     b. At                                                      c. In                                        d. NOT

79. Many people in the world are blind——-the facts regarding Covid-19.

a. In                                                       b. Of                                                      c. To                                       d. NOT

80. Many members ——-the committee objected to granting him the waiver.

a. In                                                       b. On                                                     c. Of                                       d. NOT

81. The Turners had little ready money although they owned———of land.

a. Lot                                                     b. A lot                                                  c. Lots                                   d. NOT

82. ——–language is one of greatest gifts from the Providence.  

a. A                                                        b. The                                                   c. No article                        d. NOT

83. ——joy is transitory in nature.   

a. An                                                      b. The                                                   c. A                                         d. An

84. ——dog is a faithful animal.  

a. A                                                        b. The                                                   c. No article                        d. NOT

85. Having found a property we liked, we had to——-money quickly.

a. Raise                                                 b. Raze                                                 c. Rise                                   d. NOT

86. The bank——-to grant us a loan because we had no security.  

a. Denied                                             b. Refused                                          c. Shook                               d. NOT

87. We then approached a solicitor for———.

a. Advise                                              b. Advice                                             c. Suite                                 d. AOT

88. He said that if we both had a ——-we could get a loan from a building society. 

a. Job                                                    b. Work                                                c. Business                          d. NOT

89. We tried to——– money from friends, but this proved impracticable. 

a. Borrow                                            b. Lend                                                 c. Mortgage                        d. NOT

90. In this new home-study course, the cassette and the book are———-.  

a. Complementary                          b. Conciliatory                                   c. Complimentary            d. NOT

91. There is the usual promise of a quick success as a———- to buy the book and start the course.

a. Stimulant                                        b. Stimulus                                          c. Stimuli                              d. AOT

92. One——–feature, however, is the option of a tutorial service by post.   

a. Distinct                                            b. Distinctive                                      c. Designate                       d. NOT

93. The book is likely to appeal to someone doing———that demands the ability to write well.  

a. Great thing                                     b. Job                                                    c. Work                                 d. NOT                 

94. It suddenly started raining———-.    

a. Hard                                                  b. Hardly                                              c. Both a & b                      d. NOT

95. He has already made up his mind, you will never ——–him to change it now. 

a. Persuade                                        b. Convince                                        c. Coerce                             d. NOT

96. He ——— me not to forget my passport.    

a. Remembered                                b. Reminded                                      c. Reminisced                    d. AOT

97. The teacher——— expects his students to pass the examination. 

a. Furtively                                          b. Confidently                                    c. Confidentially                d. Comically

98. We have heard a lot about the threat of famine over the ——– few months.  

a. Passed                                             b. Past                                                   c. Passing                             d. AOT

99. Malnutrition is one of the ——— causes of disease in the poorer countries. 

a. Paramount                                     b. Principle                                          c. Principal                           d. NOT

100. There had been a ——– lack of communication between men and management.  

a. Regrettable                                    b. Regretful                                        c. Regretting                      d. NOT

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