Islamic Studies MCQS Solved for FPSC, PPSC, KPSC, SPSC, BPSC, PMS, CSS, FIA, FBR, ASF, Police exams

Download Islamic Studies MCQS Solved for FPSC, PPSC, KPSC, SPSC, BPSC, PMS, CSS, FIA, FBR, ASF, Police exams

These Important MCQS are collected from different past papers of FPSC, PPSC, KPSC, SPSC, BPSC, PMS, CSS, FIA, FBR, ASF, Police exams to prepare future exams.

How many times is the word ‘Zakat’ mentioned in the Quran?3227302532
What is the name of the first wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?AishaKhadijaHafsaZainabKhadija
Which Surah is called the ‘Heart of the Quran’?Surah YaseenSurah RahmanSurah IkhlasSurah FatihaSurah Yaseen
How many times is the word ‘Qul’ repeated in the Quran?232268283332232
What was the age of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at the time of the Battle of Badr?5052545654
Which angel is responsible for bringing revelation to prophets?JibraelMikailIsrafilIzrailJibrael
How many prophets’ names are mentioned in the Quran?2526272825
What is the name of the book revealed to Prophet Musa (A.S)?ZaburInjilTorahQuranTorah
How many Surahs are there in the Quran?112113114115114
Which prophet is called ‘Khalilullah’?Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)Prophet Musa (A.S)Prophet Isa (A.S)Prophet Nuh (A.S)Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)
What is the Arabic term for the concept of monotheism in Islam?ImanTawheedSalatZakatTawheed
Which Islamic month is known as the month of fasting?MuharramRajabRamadanDhul-HijjahRamadan
What is the meaning of the word ‘Islam’?PeaceObedienceSubmissionPuritySubmission
Who was the first caliph of Islam?Umar ibn al-KhattabUthman ibn AffanAli ibn Abi TalibAbu Bakr al-SiddiqAbu Bakr al-Siddiq
How many times is the word ‘Allah’ mentioned in the Quran?26982800269927002698
What is the name of the mother of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?AminaKhadijaFatimaAishaAmina
Which Surah is the longest in the Quran?Surah Al-ImranSurah An-NisaSurah Al-BaqarahSurah At-TawbahSurah Al-Baqarah
How many Makki Surahs are there in the Quran?8586878886
What is the name of the Angel of Death in Islam?JibraelMikailIsrafilIzrailIzrail
In which year did the Hijra (migration) to Medina take place?620 CE622 CE624 CE625 CE622 CE
How many sons did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) have?12343
Who was the first person to accept Islam?Abu Bakr al-SiddiqAli ibn Abi TalibKhadijaZaid ibn HarithahKhadija
How many pillars of Islam are there?45675
What is the first month of the Islamic calendar?SafarMuharramRabi’ al-awwalDhul-HijjahMuharram
Which companion of the Prophet (PBUH) is known as ‘The Sword of Allah’?Umar ibn al-KhattabAli ibn Abi TalibKhalid ibn al-WalidAbu Bakr al-SiddiqKhalid ibn al-Walid
How many daughters did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) have?12344
In which Surah is Ayat-ul-Kursi found?Surah Al-BaqarahSurah Al-ImranSurah An-NisaSurah Al-MaidahSurah Al-Baqarah
How many Rak’ahs are there in Isha prayer?23454
What is the name of the cave where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received the first revelation?Cave ThawrCave HiraCave SaurCave TsurCave Hira
How many verses are there in Surah Al-Fatiha?56787
What is the name of the last prophet in Islam?Prophet Isa (A.S)Prophet Musa (A.S)Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
How many obligatory prayers are there in a day?34565
Who was the Prophet (PBUH)’s uncle who raised him after his grandfather’s death?Abu LahabAbu TalibHamzaAbbasAbu Talib
What is the name of the book revealed to Prophet Dawood (A.S)?TorahZaburInjilQuranZabur
Which battle is known as the first battle in Islam?Battle of UhudBattle of BadrBattle of KhandaqBattle of TabukBattle of Badr
How many Makki and Madani Surahs are there in the Quran?86 Makki, 28 Madani87 Makki, 27 Madani88 Makki, 26 Madani89 Makki, 25 Madani86 Makki, 28 Madani
What was the total number of idols in the Kaaba before Islam?360370380390360
What is the name of the first mosque built by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?Masjid QubaMasjid NabawiMasjid Al-AqsaMasjid Al-HaramMasjid Quba
Which Surah of the Quran was revealed in one night?Surah Al-FatihaSurah Al-IkhlasSurah Al-KausarSurah Al-QadrSurah Al-Qadr
How many Muslims migrated to Abyssinia during the first migration?1516171816
What was the age of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when his mother passed away?45676
Which Surah is known as ‘The Mother of the Book’?Surah Al-BaqarahSurah Al-IkhlasSurah Al-FatihaSurah Al-KausarSurah Al-Fatiha
What is the term used for the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?QuranHadithSunnahTafsirHadith
How many times did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) perform Hajj?12341
In which city was the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) born?MeccaMedinaTaifJerusalemMecca
Who was the first martyr (shaheed) in Islam?Sumayyah bint KhayyatKhadija bint KhuwaylidAisha bint Abu BakrFatima bint MuhammadSumayyah bint Khayyat
What was the age of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at the time of his first marriage?2324252625
Who was known as ‘The Trustworthy’ (Al-Amin) even before becoming a prophet?Abu Bakr al-SiddiqUmar ibn al-KhattabUthman ibn AffanProphet Muhammad (PBUH)Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Which companion of the Prophet (PBUH) is known as ‘The Honest’ (As-Sadiq)?Abu Bakr al-SiddiqUmar ibn al-KhattabUthman ibn AffanAli ibn Abi TalibAbu Bakr al-Siddiq
What is the Arabic term for the pilgrimage to Mecca that Muslims must perform at least once in their lifetime?UmrahHajjJihadSawmHajj
How many verses are there in the Quran?62366237623862396236
Who compiled the Quran into a single book form after the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?Abu Bakr al-SiddiqUmar ibn al-KhattabUthman ibn AffanAli ibn Abi TalibUthman ibn Affan
What is the name of the father of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)?AzarNuhLutIsmailAzar
How many years did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) live in Mecca after receiving the first revelation?1011121313
How many categories of people are eligible to receive Zakat?Surah Al-FatihaSurah Al-BaqarahSurah Al-IkhlasSurah Al-KausarSurah Al-Ikhlas
How many categories of people are eligible to receive Zakat?67898
What is the name of the mother of Prophet Isa (A.S)?AishaKhadijaMaryamFatimaMaryam
Which Surah is also known as ‘The Chapter of Women’?Surah Al-BaqarahSurah Al-ImranSurah An-NisaSurah Al-MaidahSurah An-Nisa
How many sons did Prophet Yaqub (A.S) have?1011121312
Who was the first to establish the practice of Salah (prayer)?Prophet Adam (A.S)Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)Prophet Musa (A.S)Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)
How many articles of faith (Iman) are there in Islam?45676
What is the name of the night on which the Quran was first revealed?Laylat al-Bara’atLaylat al-QadrLaylat al-MirajLaylat al-IsraLaylat al-Qadr
How many chapters (Surahs) start with Bismillah in the Quran?113114115116114
In which year did the Battle of Uhud take place?623 CE624 CE625 CE626 CE625 CE
What is the term for the chapters of the Quran?JuzAyatSurahHizbSurah
Who was the last caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate?Abu Bakr al-SiddiqUmar ibn al-KhattabUthman ibn AffanAli ibn Abi TalibAli ibn Abi Talib
What is the name of the Prophet (PBUH)’s uncle who accepted Islam and became a martyr at the Battle of Uhud?HamzaAbu TalibAbbasAbu LahabHamza
Which Prophet (A.S) was known for his patience?Prophet Musa (A.S)Prophet Isa (A.S)Prophet Yaqub (A.S)Prophet Ayyub (A.S)Prophet Ayyub (A.S)
In which Surah is the story of Prophet Yusuf (A.S) found?Surah YunusSurah HudSurah YusufSurah IbrahimSurah Yusuf
How many Rak’ahs are there in the Friday (Jumu’ah) prayer?23452
Which Surah is known as ‘The Chapter of Sincerity’?Surah Al-FatihaSurah Al-IkhlasSurah Al-KausarSurah Al-MaidahSurah Al-Ikhlas
What is the term for charity given voluntarily beyond the obligatory Zakat?SadaqahKhumsFitrNafilahSadaqah
How many days do Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan?2829303129-30
What is the name of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)’s daughter who married Ali ibn Abi Talib?AishaKhadijaFatimaZainabFatima
Who was the first muazzin (caller to prayer) in Islam?Bilal ibn RabahAbdullah ibn ZaidSaad ibn Abi WaqqasAbu HurairahBilal ibn Rabah
How many Surahs in the Quran start with ‘Alif, Lam, Meem’?56786
What is the name of the book revealed to Prophet Isa (A.S)?TorahZaburInjilQuranInjil
Which Surah is known as ‘The Chapter of the Cow’?Surah Al-BaqarahSurah Al-ImranSurah An-NisaSurah Al-MaidahSurah Al-Baqarah
What is the name of the wife of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) and the mother of Prophet Ismail (A.S)?SarahHagarAishaKhadijaHagar
In which battle was the trench (Khandaq) strategy used?Battle of BadrBattle of UhudBattle of KhandaqBattle of TabukBattle of Khandaq
How many letters are there in the Arabic alphabet?2628293028
What is the name of the wife of Prophet Musa (A.S)?AsiyaSafuraSarahHagarSafura
Which companion is known as ‘The Sword of Allah’?Umar ibn al-KhattabKhalid ibn al-WalidHamza ibn Abdul MuttalibSaad ibn Abi WaqqasKhalid ibn al-Walid
How many companions participated in the Battle of Badr?313314315316313
What was the first Qibla (direction of prayer) for Muslims?KaabaAl-Masjid an-NabawiAl-Masjid al-AqsaAl-Masjid al-HaramAl-Masjid al-Aqsa
How many times do Muslims perform Tawaf around the Kaaba during Hajj?56787
Which Prophet (A.S) is known as the ‘Friend of Allah’?Prophet Musa (A.S)Prophet Isa (A.S)Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)Prophet Nuh (A.S)Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)
What is the name of the Prophet (PBUH)’s grandfather who took care of him after his mother’s death?Abdul MuttalibAbu TalibHamzaAbbasAbdul Muttalib
How many Rak’ahs are there in Fajr prayer?23452
Which battle is known as the ‘Battle of the Confederates’?Battle of BadrBattle of UhudBattle of KhandaqBattle of TabukBattle of Khandaq
How many names of Allah are mentioned in the Quran?97989910099
What is the term for the obligatory charity given by Muslims?SadaqahKhumsZakatNafilahZakat
How many prophets are mentioned by name in the Quran?2526272825
What is the name of the Prophet (PBUH)’s uncle who was a fierce opponent of Islam?Abu LahabAbu TalibHamzaAbbasAbu Lahab
How many wives did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) have?1011121311
What is the term used for the chapters of the Quran?JuzAyatSurahHizbSurah
Which Surah was revealed completely in one night?Surah Al-FatihaSurah Al-IkhlasSurah Al-QadrSurah Al-KausarSurah Al-Qadr
What is the name of Prophet Yusuf (A.S)’s younger brother?BenjaminJudahReubenSimeonBenjamin
How many verses are there in Surah Al-Baqarah?284285286287286
What is the Arabic term for the concept of predestination in Islam?ImanTawheedQadrSalatQadr
Which Prophet (A.S) is known for his beauty?Prophet Musa (A.S)Prophet Isa (A.S)Prophet Yusuf (A.S)Prophet Ayyub (A.S)Prophet Yusuf (A.S)
How many Makki Surahs are there in the Quran?8586878886
What is the name of the mother of Prophet Musa (A.S)?AsiyaSafuraSarahYochebedYochebed
Which Surah is known as ‘The Chapter of the Spoils of War’?Surah Al-AnfalSurah At-TawbahSurah Al-FathSurah MuhammadSurah Al-Anfal
How many verses are there in Surah Al-Fatiha?56787
What is the Arabic term for the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?QuranHadithSunnahTafsirHadith
How many Rak’ahs are there in the Maghrib prayer?23453
What is the Arabic term for charity given voluntarily beyond the obligatory Zakat?SadaqahKhumsFitrNafilahSadaqah
Who was the first child to accept Islam?Ali ibn Abi TalibAbdullah ibn UmarZaid ibn HarithahAbdullah ibn AbbasAli ibn Abi Talib
How many times is the word ‘Jannah’ (Paradise) mentioned in the Quran?7071727371
In which city did the Prophet (PBUH) spend the last ten years of his life?MeccaMedinaTaifJerusalemMedina
How many letters are there in the Arabic alphabet?2628293028
What is the name of the Prophet (PBUH)’s foster mother?HalimaAminaKhadijaFatimaHalima
How many times is the word ‘Rahman’ (Merciful) mentioned in the Quran?5556575857
What is the term used for the Friday prayer?Salat al-DhuhrSalat al-AsrSalat al-MaghribSalat al-Jumu’ahSalat al-Jumu’ah
How many companions are known as Ashra Mubashra (The Ten Promised Paradise)?89101110
What is the name of the Prophet (PBUH)’s cousin who was the first male to accept Islam?Ali ibn Abi TalibZaid ibn HarithahAbdullah ibn AbbasJaafar ibn Abi TalibAli ibn Abi Talib
How many times is the word ‘Salat’ (prayer) mentioned in the Quran?5051525350
What is the term used for the chapters of the Quran?JuzAyatSurahHizbSurah
Which Surah is known as ‘The Chapter of Mary’?Surah MaryamSurah Al-ImranSurah An-NisaSurah YusufSurah Maryam
What is the Arabic term for the oneness of God?ImanTawheedSalatZakatTawheed
How many times is the word ‘Zakat’ mentioned in the Quran?3031323332
Which angel is responsible for blowing the trumpet on the Day of Judgment?JibraelMikailIsrafilIzrailIsrafil
How many years did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) preach in Mecca before migrating to Medina?1011121313
How many prophets are mentioned by name in the Quran?2526272825
Who was the first caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate?Umar ibn al-KhattabUthman ibn AffanAli ibn Abi TalibAbu Bakr al-SiddiqAbu Bakr al-Siddiq

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